How to cure chronic prostatitis at home: basic methods and recipes

Anatomy has long been forgotten at a time when knowledge from a school textbook was to be useful for personal experience. Discomfort in one's own body can begin, it seems, from "nowhere". After reading the Internet and making the wrong diagnosis yourself, you can start your problem quite strongly and produce new ones. The prostate is an organ found exclusively in the male half of the population. Unfortunately, prostatitis very often occurs in men, especially in those whose age has passed the fifth decade.


There are many reasons for prostatitis, and even one of them can lead to gross violations of the work of the gland.

  1. Irregular sex life or its complete absence. The irregularity of sexual relations is the cause of stagnant processes in the prostate, since it is this gland that is responsible for erection, ejaculation;
  2. Regular or occasional hypothermia can contribute to inflammation of the prostate, reduce its functionality, lead to congestion and chronic prostatitis;
  3. Sexually transmitted infections in men who do not have prostatitis, as well as regular infections, lead to inflammation and infection of the glands, and in those who have prostatitis in the initial or chronic form, aggravate the process;
  4. A sedentary or inactive lifestyle automatically leads to prostate dysfunction and stagnant processes;
  5. Alcohol consumption and alcoholism are a powerful factor provoking the appearance of problems with dysfunction of the glands;
  6. Unbalanced diet - the use of spicy, salty and smoked foods leads to irritation of the mucous membrane not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the urinary tract, as well as the prostate. Also, these stop products include an excessive amount of spices, seasonings and marinades. As a result, malnutrition leads to inflammation of the prostate at a chronic level;
  7. Stress, nervous breakdowns and tension, psychological instability to irritating factors - this factor can provoke any disease, but also aggravate existing ones. As they say, all wounds come from the nerves;
  8. Chronic illnesses or concurrent experiences. Any experienced disease greatly reduces immunity, and if it is not strengthened, you can easily "catch" the chronic form of the disease;
  9. Foci of chronic infections, which with prolonged existence without treatment lead to an aggravation of the course of prostatitis;
  10. A sedentary lifestyle is a scourge for those who are inactive and do not accept sport. It is the most common cause of prostatitis. Violated venous circulation, which leads to problems in the prostate;
  11. Circulatory disorders in the pelvis. There can be many reasons for impaired blood circulation - from banal constipation to hernias and pinched nerve endings in the joint. Reduced blood flow causes congestion and chronic inflammation of the gland.
healthy and inflamed prostate in chronic prostatitis

Home treatment

It is quite difficult to cure inflammation of the prostate at home, but it is possible to prevent its occurrence in order to avoid quite serious treatment with antibiotics and other concomitant medications prescribed by a urologist.

The use of folk remedies is possible only if you want to prevent and avoid the disease. In the acute form and chronic prostatitis, treatment with old-fashioned folk methods is excluded. But it is worth understanding that neither folk remedies nor stories from a distant relative about a "miraculous recovery" will help you if you do not take the problem very seriously and with a competent patient approach. Be prepared for the fact that home treatment is only a concomitant method for the smallest fraction to speed up the main process of treatment. As usual, treatment exclusively at home does not give positive results, but joint therapy is quite possible. These methods include:

  • herbal tinctures, combination teas;
  • massage (only after studying the correct technique from a specialist);
  • gymnastic;
  • a diet that excludes risky foods and alcohol;
  • regular sex life;
  • ordinary warm baths or with decoctions of soothing herbs;
  • friction;
  • small enemas with decoctions of herbs.
chamomile decoction for chronic prostatitis

It should be remembered that each man's body is unique and the symptoms may be different, so the selection of home remedies should also be based on a competent approach to oneself. For example, one man needs herbal teas, while another only needs baths with infusions, or microclysters are completely useless for someone who does not suffer from intestinal blockage.

Folk remedies

onion skin

The most popular remedy that everyone hears about is onion peel teas. The composition of the shell contains a lot of organic acids, vitamins, trace elements necessary for human health. A decoction of the pod also has an antibacterial effect, strengthens the immune system. It seems that everything can be treated with this decoction. But you do not need to drink this infusion in liters.

Preparation: Peel the onion of impurities and husks, place the clean husks in a pot of boiling water. You need to boil for 5-7 minutes. Then leave to cool and infuse for about an hour.

onion peel for chronic prostatitis

After insisting, the infusion should be strained from the envelope and taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day. Home treatment in this way should not exceed a period of more than a week. Therefore, it is not necessary to brew a lot of pods. You can repeat the course in a few months.


Introducing honey into your diet instead of sugar will have a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole, but only if you are not allergic to it, if you have diabetes, and if the honey itself is natural, without additives or dyes.

If you want to help yourself with honey in the problem of prostatitis, you can use it with tea or as an addition to cottage cheese or just your favorite dishes. More than 200 grams of honey per day is not recommended.

There is also a peculiarity here: honey cannot be heated. That is, if you want to add it to tea, the drink should cool to at least 45 degrees. When heated, this healing product loses its beneficial properties. If you rationally introduce honey into the diet, the work of the urinary system will soon improve, itching and irritation will disappear.

honey for chronic prostatitis

In addition to the usual honey tea, you can prepare an equally valuable and healthy decoction with celandine and honey. To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 100 grams of dry celandine;
  2. 700 grams of boiling water;
  3. 500 grams of honey from natural flowers.

Preparation: celandine should be boiled for 20-25 minutes, then left to infuse for about an hour or two. Once the broth has cooled, strain through cheesecloth and stir in the honey. You need to use a decoction of 1 tablespoon three times a day for a month. But you should only do this when you are sure you don't need medication at the time. In addition, alcohol is strictly prohibited when taking this decoction. Store the infusion in an airtight jar in the refrigerator.

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc in their composition, so the daily norm for a man is 30 seeds per day. Of course, this natural medicine should not be fried, only raw. You can eat seeds daily in a purified form or you can prepare medicinal "candies".

To prepare sweets, you will need 500 grams of peeled raw pumpkin seeds and 200 grams of honey. Twist the seeds in a blender or meat grinder and mix with honey. Make small balls the size of a walnut and store them in the refrigerator. You can eat up to 5 of these candies a day. The balls should be chewed abundantly and for a long time (about 3 minutes), and always before meals.

pumpkin seeds for chronic prostatitis

Freshly squeezed juices

With prostatitis, freshly squeezed juices are allowed, but not all fruits and berries are suitable for the prevention of the disease.The main products for juicing should be:

  • asparagus;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot.

Fresh juices should be drunk at the rate of 0. 5 liters per day. Nevertheless, with the adoption of such a juice supplement for nutrition, it is better to consult a urologist, because it is not suitable for all men. By the way, it is desirable for every man to include asparagus in his diet, as it has a very positive effect on the prostate.

asparagus juice for chronic prostatitis

Exercises for chronic prostatitis


Your lower body should not feel sore or weak during the exercise. These are clear signs of insufficient blood supply to the pelvis. Start small with 10-15 squats, gradually increase the number. If you can do up to 100 squats at a time, that's more than enough to maintain good blood circulation and muscle tone on a daily basis. In addition, this simple exercise will greatly help in sexual relations.

The most effective exercises are the simplest deep squats. But their execution technique is very important. Squats should be performed in the position of the legs wider than the shoulders, the squat should be slightly below the level of the knees. Do not perform the exercise abruptly - it is better to slow down, watch your breathing.

squats for chronic prostatitis

Kegel exercises

Usually this exercise is understood by women, but it will also bring great benefits to a man with constant training and repetitions. To perform the Kegel exercise, you need a full bladder. When you urinate, you should briefly hold the stream and continue to empty the bladder. Alternating: emptying - time delay - emptying - time delay. The delay should be done literally for a few seconds. Constant repetitions improve blood circulation in the prostate.

In addition, the exercise can be performed simply by contracting the muscles without emptying them. If you decide to start these exercises, start doing them small - 5-6 repetitions during the day. It is very good if the number of repetitions after constant training is increased to 100. This will affect prostate health, as well as sexual stamina.

kegel exercises for chronic prostatitis

Anal muscle exercise

Exercises for the anal muscles are beneficial for the prostate. To perform this exercise, you need to compress and decompress the sphincter. Not only can this exercise be done almost constantly, but it is also invisible to others. But the benefits of this are very great - the prostate comes to noma, and there is also the prevention of hemorrhoids and prolapse of the rectum nodes, and there is also recovery after this disease.


The benefits of yoga are due to the fact that the calm exercises involve all the muscles of the body, even those that are deeply buried.

Many men are embarrassed to go to yoga, because they see the sport as feminine - this is a deep illusion and a stagnant stereotype. Therefore, if you want to restore your health, discard these prejudices and practice yoga at least according to home video lessons.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the following postures from hatha yoga:

  • reverse asanas, which will unload the veins in the prostate plexus;
  • poses that involve the hip joints;
  • abdominal exercises.
yoga for chronic prostatitis

Morning exercises

No wonder we start every physical education at school with simple exercises, and every parent considers it their duty to start their offspring's day with light exercise. Perhaps many have done it on a subconscious level, but each of these simple exercises can either relieve chronic prostatitis or prevent its onset in men of any age.

  1. slow squats, half squats;
  2. raise the legs at the knees as high as possible;
  3. squeeze a ball or pillow with your knees while standing and sitting;
  4. "birch", when fixing the lower back, you need to linger for 10-15 seconds in the position of the leg up;
  5. squats with alternating retraction of the legs in different directions.

Desirable classes in the pool, a leisurely run, as well as walking. Training with heavy weights in gyms or at home is prohibited.

prostate massage

Home massage can only be done after a course with a qualified specialist, because if you want to do a massage without basic knowledge, you can really hurt yourself. Massage helps:

  • when restoring the tone of the gland;
  • for the outflow of male secretions;
  • ensure normal blood flow;
  • improves the effectiveness of the drugs taken.
prostate massage for chronic prostatitis

There are contraindications to self-massage. So, massage is contraindicated in acute forms of prostatitis, prostate cancer or stones in the organ.

For the prevention and treatment of prostatitis at home you need:

  • Follow the doctor's recommendations.
  • Do not self-medicate with chronic prostatitis and its acute form, it is allowed only as a preventive measure or as a concomitant factor.
  • If you're "you" with sports, start with light therapeutic exercises at home: squats, incline, light jogging. Start exercising in the pool.
  • Strengthen your immune system, move more.
  • Decoctions and infusions should be prepared from proven raw materials and following a few simple rules.
  • Follow the rules for taking decoctions.